Re: [RML] I werneri

Tyrone Genade (Tgenade at
Wed, 11 Jul 2001 10:49:53 +0200

On 11 Jul 2001, at 6:19, Bruce Hansen wrote:

> Unfortunately a pair will not make much of an impact visually or
> behaviourally and if possible please consider buying more to keep as a small
> school in a species tank or in a community with other small peaceful soft
> acid water preferers.

I would love to but they were the only pr I found. My
friend has a small group though and has been able to
breed them before.

> My advice is to keep them warm (80-90F plus), water on the soft side and
> neutral or on the acid side. They prefer to feed midwater and have quite a
> small mouth - live food such as daphnia, BBS, small mosquito larvae, and
> even microworms as well as small dry food (it can be mixed with water and
> fed in small amounts)

Right now they are getting bbs, flake and Mike Reed's No
BS bits. They are taking everything! And they don't stop
eating iether. I have them mixed in with a group of
Simsonichthys sp. South Bahia CI99. They seem to get on
fine together. The mix seems nice as the South Bahia eat
the bits of food that fall to the substrate. The female
is a bit thin right now and I've trying to condition
her. The temp is 24oC right now. I will move them to a
warmer tank later when the female has put on weight.

> A school of 100 or more adults in a 6 foot planted tank is a memorable sight

Maybe one day...

Thanks for all the info


Tyrone Genade
tyronegenade at

P450 Lab, Biochemistry Department
University of Stellenbosch, 7602, South Africa
Ph: +27-021-808-5876, fax: +27-021-808-5863

"No, the LORD has told us what is good. What He requires
of us is this: to do what is just, to show constant love,
and to live in humble fellowship with our GOD."
Micah 6:8