Re: [RML] rainbowfish goiter

Wright Huntley (huntley1 at
Tue, 24 Jul 2001 15:43:14 -0700

Mach Fukada wrote:
> That jogged my memory.
> I recall having goiters on Ps. cyanodorsalis. It was more frequent when
> I would cheat and use less of the seawater mix and more evaporated coarse
> salt.

I think the insoluble silicates precipitated from premium table salt may
mess up gills, but the iodide trace is perfect for thyroid protection.

Has anyone ever encountered trouble with the cheaper (generic/store) brands
of iodized salt that use sodium ferrocyanide (Yellow Prussiate of Soda, for
the chemically hysterical :-) ) in fish tanks? A friend has used it for many
years, and I have for the past couple of years with no observed problems. It
guarantees enough iodide to prevent thyroid problem in most species, when
used to raise tds (as in a "stress coat" additive).

I hatch all bbs in an 80/20 mixture of it and Epsom salt, so babies probably
get plenty as well as the adult fish getting the overflow.


Wright Huntley,  Fremont CA, USA,  510 494-8679     huntley1 at

In retrospect it becomes clear that hindsight is definitely overrated.