Re: [RML] hypseleotris stuff

Wed, 21 Feb 2001 08:51:55 -0700 (MST)

On Wed, 21 Feb 2001, Bruce Hansen wrote:

> Thanks Peter for making a complicated group even more complicated to come to
> grips with. It looks like we will have to have a pocket full of "allozyme
> test strips" with us when we go out catching gudgeons :-)

I think that it is likely that the regular non-hybrids are ok as far as their
identifications, problem is I don't know what the hybrids of some of these
things look like, seems as if they are close to one of the parental types, and
of course it may depend on what species the parents are and what is going on
genetically with these things as far as whether and how much genetic material
is getting exchanged. I'm waiting for Mark Adams to send me the list of my
specimens that he has looked at to see how well my identifications hold up.
All the Lake's have been hybrids though.
