-----Original Message-----
From: E-mail Virus Administrator [SMTP:postmaster at qut.edu.au]
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 4:09 PM
To: rainbowfish at pcug.org.au
Subject: [RML] Virus found in attachment
Sophos Anti-Virus ver3.42 was used to scan the attachment you sent
to d.gaskill at qut.edu.au
Reply-rainbowfish at pcug.org.au and has found the following known virus(es):
Attachment: HGJDKNHG.EXE infected by W32/Hybris-B virus(es)
The attachment has not been sent to the intended recipient. The recipient
has been alerted to the fact that the email attachment you sent to them is
infected with a virus and has been quarantined.
QUT VIRUS TEAM http://www.its.qut.edu.au/info-sources/virusteam