There are a number of areas where you could catch P. signifer and R. ornatus
from the same location but probably not on the same day.
There are plenty of places M. duboulayi and P. signifer or M. duboulayi and
R. ornatus could be captured together.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Darrell Edwards [SMTP:vk2mna at]
> Sent: Saturday, December 18, 1999 3:30 PM
> To: RML Mail List
> Subject: [RML] Habitat
> Thanks very much to Matthew Stanton for his comprehensive information on
> collecting laws in NSW.
> I wonder if someone knowledgable on Rainbowfish in the wild could tell me
> if
> I would be likely to find M. duboulayi, P. signifer and R. ornatus
> together
> in suitable locations such as the NSW far north coast area?
> Or do they normally inhabit different areas?
> Cheers, Darrell
> vk2mna at