Re: [RML] Desert Gobies

Bruce Hansen (bruceh at
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 06:03:44 +1000

They'll hatch when they're good and ready Lisa :-) You don't have to risk
leaving the male there. Just put an airstone adjacent and that will keep the
water moving over them.

Remember to have your food supply ready as they grow very quickly if well
fed. Also I got better results with a little salt added - they will take
lots of salt (marine origin helps here).

Bruce Hansen
president at
Please visit us at

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lisa Brinkman" <lisab at>
To: <rainbowfish at>
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 1999 3:09 AM
Subject: Re: [RML] Desert Gobies

> They seem to have eyed up now. How many days is it til they hatch?
> Just curious on how long it's taken for others who have bred them. I
> know it says 10-15 days but that seems a very long time frame. I don't
> want them to hatch and I've still left the male in there (knowing he'll
> have a snack)
> Lisa
> Monty wrote:
> > Congratulations Lisa. Please tell us how they go!
> >
> > Monty