[RML] Howdy... I have been away...

Larry Stein (lstein at his.com)
Thu, 09 Dec 1999 22:57:27 -0500

I know I have not been around lately but this does not mean I have left the
hobby.. In fact I have been very proud of my Rainbow collection. I have a
really nice 265 gallon multi-species community tank.

This brings me to my reason for writing...

The other day I had a mature Rainbow die it was at least 4 years old with
not outside lesions noticable paracites etc... then in the span of 3 days 7
more mature rainbows died for no outward noticable reason. In fact one
died with me watching it went to the surface took what looked like a gulp
of air and died and floated to the bottom. I was able to have a friend
help me with a post-mortem and we noticed nothing strange, gills red and
normal sized, liver normal color and size, it had recently eaten and under
the microscope we saw nothing.

Please keep in mind this is a very diverse tank I have at 150 fish in it
and it is very heavily planted. ONLY the Bows died!!!

Some external things that were done prior to the deaths... The day before
the fish strated to die I replaced all the water tubing from the filters
and cleaned the filters throughly. The stupid thing I did on the same day
was add 6 new Corys to the tank from, a store I buy from all the time, I
did add the water the fish came home from the store with... The food I use
is the same food I have used for years... So why did ONLY the Bows die?

Sorry for the long post but....

Happy Holidays

Larry Stein