[RML] Plants in Waterpark creek

John Grylls (jgrylls at bendigo.net.au)
Sun, 18 Apr 1999 23:53:11 GMT

When I visited Waterpark creek last November I collected several
plants that grew in the rubble below the spillway.
At the time these plants bore a faint resemblance to Vallsneria, but
the straplike leaves were only 150-250 mm long and tapered to a point,
also the plant had a slightly bushy form, ie the outermost leaves were
shortest and pointed outward, with a progression toward the centremost
leaves that pointed upward. Since that time the plants have prospered
in my tank, and look even more like Vallsneria, ith the leaves being
300-400mm long and all pointing upward, and then laying on the water
surface. What is this plant?
John Grylls