Here are some refs regarding hatchery effects on wild populations (pro
and con). I would specifically recommend the Hindar paper, it is a good
review and will provide further sources of information.
John Volpe
University of Victoria
British Columbia, Canada
jvolpe at
Berejikian BA (1995) The effects of hatchery and wild ancestry and
experience on the relative ability of steelhead trout fry
(<italic>Oncorhynchus mykiss</italic>) to avoid a benthic predator.
Can.J.Fish.Aquat.Sci. 52:2476-2482
Berejikian BA, Mathews SB, Quinn TP (1996) Effects of hatchery and wild
ancestory and rearing environments of the development of agonistic
behavior in steelhead trout (<italic>Oncoryhchus mykiss</italic>).
Can.J.Fish.Aquat.Sci. 53:2004-2014
Busack BA, Currens KP (1995) Genetic risks and hazards of hatchery
operations: Fundamental concepts and issues. Am.Fish.Soc.Symposium.
Cross TF, King J (1983) Genetic effects of hatchery rearing in Atlantic
salmon. Aquaculture 33:33-40
Crozier WW (1994) Maintenance of genetic variation in hatchery stocks of
Atlantic salmon, <italic>Salmo salar</italic> L.: Experiences from the
River Bush, Northern Ireland. Aqua.Fish.Manag. 25:383-392
Dickson TA, MacCrimmon HR (1982) Influence of Hatchery Experience on
Growth and Behavior of Juvenile Atlantic Salmon (<italic>Salmo
salar</italic>) Within Allopatric and Sympatric Stream Populations.
Can.J.Fish.Aquat.Sci. 39:1453-1458
Dowling TE, Minckley WL, Marsh PC, Goldstein ES (1996) Mitochondrial DNA
variability in the endangered razorback sucker (<italic>Xyrauchen
texanus</italic>): Analysis of hatchery stocks and implications for
captive propagation. Conserv.Biol. 10:120-127
Doyle RW, Herbinger C, Taggart CT, Lochmann S (1995) Use of DNA
microsatellite polymorphism to analyze genetic correlations between
hatchery and natural fitness. Am.Fish.Soc.Symposium. 15:205-211
Fleming IA, Gross MR (1992) Reproductive behavior of hatchery and wild
coho salmon (<italic>Oncorhynchus kisutch</italic>): Does it differ?
Aquaculture 103:101-121
Fleming IA, Gross MR (1993) Breeding success of hatchery and wild coho
salmon (<italic>Oncorhynchus kisutch</italic>) in competition.
Ecological Applications 3:230-245
Fleming IA (1994) Captive breeding and the conservation of wild salmon
populations. Conserv.Biol. 8:886-888
Gaffney PM, Powell-Rubin V, Hedgecock D, Powers DA, Morris G, Hereford L
(1996) Genetic effects of artificial propagation: signals from wild and
hatchery populations of red abalone in California. Aquaculture
Gharrett AJ (1994) Genetic dynamics of a small population system: A model
applicable to interactions between hatchery and wild fish.
Aqua.Fish.Manag. 25:79-92
Hindar K (1994) Fish releases and the genetics of fish populations.
Fauna 47:89-93
Howell BR (1994) Fitness of hatchery-reared fish for survival in the sea.
Aqua.Fish.Manag. 25 (Supp. 1):3-17
Irvine JR, Bailey RE (1992) Some effects of stocking coho salmon fry and
supplemental instream feeding on wild and hatchery-origin salmon.
N.A.J.Fish.Manag. 12:125-130
Largiader CR, Scholl A (1995) Effects of stocking on the genetic
diversity of brown trout populations of the Adriatic and Danudian
drainages in Switzerland. J.Fish Biol. 47 (Supp. A):209-255
Leber KM, Brennan NP, Arce SM (1995) Marine enhancement with striped
mullet: Are hatchery releases replenishing or displacing wild stocks.
Am.Fish.Soc.Symposium. 15:376-387
Marsden JE, Krueger CC, Grewe PM, Kincaid HL, May B (1993) Genetic
comparison of naturally spawned and artificially propagated Lake Ontario
lake trout fry: Evaluation of a stocking strategy for species
rehabilitation. N.A.J.Fish.Manag. 13:304-317
Mceachron LW, McCarty CE, Vega RR (1995) Benificial uses of marine fish
hatcheries: Enhancement of red drum in Texas coastal waters.
Am.Fish.Soc.Symposium. 15:161-166
Meffe GK (1992) Techno-arrogance and halfway technologies: salmon
hatcheries on the Pacific coast of North America. Conserv.Biol.
Riddell BE, Swain DP (1991) Competition between hatchery and wild coho
salmon (<italic>Oncorhynchus kisutch</italic>): genetic variation for
agonistic behaviour in newly- emerged wild fry. Aquaculture
Ryman N, Utter F, Allendorf FW, Busack C, Shaklee J (1993) Genetic
concerns about hatchery populations - a comment on the conclusions.
J.Fish Biol. 42, April 1993:471-480
Skaala O, Jorstad KE, Borgstrom R (1996) Genetic impact on two wild brown
trout (<italic>Salmo trutta</italic>) populations after release of
non-indigenous hatchery spawners. Can.J.Fish.Aquat.Sci. 53:2027-2035
Ståhl G (1983) Differences in the amount and distribution of genetic
variation between natural populations and hatchery stocks of Atlantic
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Unwin, M. J. Fry-to-adult survival of natural and hatchery-produced
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Verspoor E (1988) Reduced genetic variability in first-generation
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Wahl DH, Stein RA, DeVries DR (1995) An ecological framework for
evaluating success and effects of stocked fishes. Am.Fish.Soc.Symposium.
Waples RS (1991) Genetic Interactions Between Hatchery and Wild
Salmonids: Lessons from the Pacific Northwest. Can.J.Fish.Aquat.Sci. 48
White RJ (1989) We'er going wild: a 30-year transition from hatcheries to
habitat. Trout Summer Issue:15-49
Williams RN, Shiozawa DK, Carter JE, Leary RF (1996) Genetic detection of
putative hybridization between native and introduced rainbow trout
populations of the Upper Snake River. Trans.Am.Fish.Soc. 125:387-401
Winton J, Hilborn R (1994) Lessons from supplementation of chinook salmon
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At 03:12 PM 11/03/1999 +1100, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I am looking for information from N. Am. and Eur. on loss of genetic
>diversity in stocked recreational fish species, due to low numbers of
>founders. At present there is a massive push to stock native
>"recreational" species in Australian waters. The main problem being
>it only takes a few genereations to lose vital genetic diversity and
>these fish can breed freely (in some areas this is praised as a way to
>boost wild stocks) with wild stock fishes.
>If anyone have references or other informaiton on maintaining genetic
>diversity in stocked fishes please send it along.
>Colton Perna
>Earthworks Environmental Services Pty. Ltd.
>PO Box 5225
>Tvlle. MC. Q. 4810
>ph. 0747 714623
>fax. 07 47 714 624
>To get off ACN-L send a note to majordomo at with unsubscribe
>ACN-L archives are at
</color></underline>>The Aquatic Conservation Network is dedicated to the
exchange of
>information regarding aquatic conservation issues.
</color></underline>>ACN-L is hosted by Gordon Dewis
(gordon at at
At 03:12 PM 11/03/1999 +1100, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I am looking for information from N. Am. and Eur. on loss of genetic
>diversity in stocked recreational fish species, due to low numbers of
>founders. At present there is a massive push to stock native
>"recreational" species in Australian waters. The main problem being
>it only takes a few genereations to lose vital genetic diversity and
>these fish can breed freely (in some areas this is praised as a way to
>boost wild stocks) with wild stock fishes.
>If anyone have references or other informaiton on maintaining genetic
>diversity in stocked fishes please send it along.
>Colton Perna
>Earthworks Environmental Services Pty. Ltd.
>PO Box 5225
>Tvlle. MC. Q. 4810
>ph. 0747 714623
>fax. 07 47 714 624
>To get off ACN-L send a note to majordomo at with unsubscribe
>ACN-L archives are at
>The Aquatic Conservation Network is dedicated to the exchange of
>information regarding aquatic conservation issues.
>ACN-L is hosted by Gordon Dewis (gordon at at
To get off ACN-L send a note to majordomo at with unsubscribe acn-l
ACN-L archives are at
The Aquatic Conservation Network is dedicated to the exchange of
information regarding aquatic conservation issues.
ACN-L is hosted by Gordon Dewis (gordon at at