I for one am certainly interested. My local also gives points for
rarity of the species. Unfortunately its also only for hobby rare
fish. I'd like to point out a couple of my own thoughts for such a
program for comments and input.
You don't really want to be churning over generations of a species. So
it would really be better to give points for maintaining a back up
generation to the adult generation, but keeping the adults. Every year
they could reproduce a new back up generation and get points when they
turn over the old back up. This way you encourage them they to keep
the older and more genetically diverse fish. The longer they can keep
the older generation, the more points you could give. Also you could
give an increased point level if people work together on a species.
This way you could have fish from the same original colony but
different parents and cross the lines together each generation or so.
Again you can give points when they bring these lines together to
produce a new adult generation.
These are basically some of the guidelines I plan to use in the RSG's
long term breeding program.
Any other ideas that could help to encourage people and improve on
such a program, I would really be glad to hear. Maybe if we start a
discussion here and flush out some good ideas we could get local
aquarium societies to pick up on the ideas and add them to or expand
their BAP programs to include them. Too many of these programs just
churn over fish with out any thought to longer term species
Cary Hostrawser
/||\ Rainbowfish Study Group
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|||| Minnesota Aquarium Society
/||||\ http://www.umn.edu/nlhome/m392/c-ames/maspage.htm