Re: Endangered Spp.

Dr P Almada Villela (palmada at
Thu, 18 Apr 1996 09:54:43 +0100

In message <m0u8zzI-000U7JC at>, Victor Elderton
<velderton at> writes

Dear colleagues,

I was very interested in Victor Elderton's postings and had replied
directly to him. Afetr reading another posting this morning refering to
some Mexican Cyprinodon sp in desert pool I felt compelled to forward my
communications to Mr Elderton to the whole list, especially since I am
at the moment re-assessing threatened categories for Mexican species for
the 1996.

I woudl be happy to communicate with anyone interested in this topic
either directly or through the list if that is considered suitable.

Patricia Almada-Villela

Dear Victor,

Again, I fully agree. We are using coral reef fish to highlight the need
to protect coral reefs. In Mexico, I have used fish from sinkholes and
desert springs to highlight conservation needs, and actually said that
the fish are being used as 'flag species'.

Conservation of the aquatic ecosystems is still an up hill strugle, but
we keep on trying!


>Dr P Almada-Villela,
>We do see eye to eye on this point and that saving an indivdual species can
>be used to bring awareness and protection of a whole eco-system. When we talk
>about that species though we need to consider the role that a particular
>species is playing and where it fits in. If we are going to make a species an
>eco-system icon then shouldn't we be selecting them for that purpose and
>stating it in the work we are doing.
>Where I am in the Pacific Northwest salmon species working well in this way.
>I'd think other fish spp. would too, like the desert species in small ponds
>or rainbow fish in Australia. I'm not sure that general discussion going in
>this listserv on this subject has really been dealing with a species as the
>vanguard of habitat protection, though, that is why I brought it up.
>Vic '96
>This message was sent from the FirstClass Server of the
>North Vancouver School District
>The views expressed in this posting are those of the
>individual author only.

Dr P Almada-Villela
Consultant in Conservation and Aquatic Biology
Co-Chair, IUCN SSC
Coral Reef Fish Specialist Group
60 Newington, Willingham
Cambridge, CB4 5JE, UK
Tel: (+44 01954) 260520; Fax: (+44 01954) 202291
email: palmada at