Re: Endangered Species

Dr P Almada Villela (palmada at
Mon, 15 Apr 1996 11:11:37 +0100

In message <m0u8V1i-000TyuC at>, Victor Elderton
<velderton at> writes

Dear Mr Elderton,

I totally agree with you that we should be concerned about the
conservation of ecosystems as a whole rather than a few species in
isolation. However, species have been- and they still are- the
indicators that people in the conservation community have been able to
used to highlight an area/ecosystem in need of protection. Ideally, we
should protect/conserve as large an area as possible to ensure that all
the species within its limits benefit from this protection. In reality,
we are still strugling to raise public awarness on the plight of species
and ecosystems at risk, especially regarding aquatic ecosystems
(estuaries, coral reefs, mangroves, lagoons, etc). We should however,
continue to work with species conservation to eventually achieve
ecosystem protection.


Patricia Almada-Villela

>In following the discussion regarding endangered spp. and genetic diversity I
>have found it admirable how earnest folks are about this topic. As a field
>worker though I don't see how relavent it is to save one species here or
>there if its habitat or eco-system are being extinguished. My belief is that
>single species protection is only relavent if it is part of a much more
>complex habitat/eco-system protection or conservation plan.
>If this is what aquarist clubs are really interested in I applaud their
>efforts. However, since fish are their focus I'm not sure how important they
>feel it is to save insect or crustean that may unique to a particular species
>diet in the wild. There may be some unique natural complex or characteristic
>of environment that ensures a particular species survival "in situ". If we
>are not protecting the whole complex and only saving the species the animal
>is reduced to a curiosity, a rare on but, a much reduced one.
>Just a thought...
>Vic '96
>This message was sent from the FirstClass Server of the
>North Vancouver School District
>The views expressed in this posting are those of the
>individual author only.

Dr P Almada-Villela
Consultant in Conservation and Aquatic Biology
Co-Chair, IUCN SSC
Coral Reef Fish Specialist Group
60 Newington, Willingham
Cambridge, CB4 5JE, UK
Tel: (+44 01954) 260520; Fax: (+44 01954) 202291
email: palmada at