Endangered Species

Victor Elderton (velderton at nvancvr.schdist44.bc.ca)
Sun, 14 Apr 1996 16:37:20 +0000 (GMT)

In following the discussion regarding endangered spp. and genetic diversity I
have found it admirable how earnest folks are about this topic. As a field
worker though I don't see how relavent it is to save one species here or
there if its habitat or eco-system are being extinguished. My belief is that
single species protection is only relavent if it is part of a much more
complex habitat/eco-system protection or conservation plan.

If this is what aquarist clubs are really interested in I applaud their
efforts. However, since fish are their focus I'm not sure how important they
feel it is to save insect or crustean that may unique to a particular species
diet in the wild. There may be some unique natural complex or characteristic
of environment that ensures a particular species survival "in situ". If we
are not protecting the whole complex and only saving the species the animal
is reduced to a curiosity, a rare on but, a much reduced one.

Just a thought...

Vic '96
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