Re: Lake Nawampassa (was re: tubarosa revisited)

Joshua Levy (joshua at
Sat, 13 Apr 1996 14:10:12 -0700

At 09:14 PM 4/12/96 -0700, peter.unmack at ASU.Edu wrote:
>When are fish clubs going to reward
>people for maintaining species long term instead of the get 'em, breed
>'em, dump 'em to make more space, etc etc?

Now. The Greater Detroit Aquarium Society has had such a program for a
couple of years. The ALA (American Livebearers Association) is developing
such a program now. Also, a Canadian group is working guidelines for
such a program (called CBAP: Conservation Breeder Award Program).

Perhaps each of us, who is a member of a local fish club, should have a
personal goal, over the next year, of having that local club start a
CBAP program.

Joshua Levy <joshua at>