RE: tularosa revisited

Les.Kaufman at
Wed, 03 Apr 1996 10:52:31 -1000

>>>Adrian, I'm not sure what you mean by genetic imprinting. This term is
normally restricted to modifications in the expression of DNA brought about
proximally in the DNA of certain organisms by nucleotide methylation at
regulatory loci. You must not be speaking of behavioral imprinting?

Les, you're not trying to confuse me are you ;-)

I guess what I would like to know is (a) what changes can we expect
genetically and/or environmentally from captive breeding and will that
change (if one takes place) return once a species is returned to its
natural habitat. (b) What number of wild stock would be required to
maintain a genetically similar stock in captivity. I assume the larger the
number the better the chances?

If you read one of my earlier replies to Peter Unmacks comments, you will
see some extracted comments by the researchers on captive populations of
the Eachamensis Rainbowfish in their study. There was only two collections
of these fishes from the wild and both were very small in number. They were
then bred in captivity over 10 to 12 years without any _Planned Program_
and yet the results showed little genetic variation over wild stock. Can
we assume that similiar results will apply to other Rainbowfishes?

Adrian Tappin.

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