Admin note--bounces

peter.unmack at
Tue, 02 Apr 1996 13:17:16 -0700 (MST)

G'day fishheads

Sorry about the recent spate of bounces that have ended up in everyones
mailbox. This particular site had an automatic reply set up for bad
addresses. Only problem was it replied to acn-l instead of bouncing it
to me. Next time I will remove the troubled address much sooner. Everytime
the automatic reply replied it would send another message to itself and
thus it would reply again thus setting up a loop until I removed that user
who presumably lost their account and didn't unsubscribe first. If people
intend or know that they are going to lose their email account, please
unsubscribe first to avoid causing everyone problems like this. Not to
pick on uses, but they have caused 90% of bounces which usually
only the list administraters recieve. I typically give people a day or two
of bounces just incase it is a temporary problem before I remove them.
Thus, if messages suddenly cease you may have been removed. Just try
subscribing again, if you are still subscribed you will get a message
back to that effect. Another thing people should be aware of, you may not
recieve every message that gets posted. This is due to networks being
down etc. There is nothing you can do about this unless you check
through the monthly archive (which is a pain, but for the moment that's
about the best we can do).

Keep your anal fins clean

Peter J Unmack peter.unmack at
DESERT FISHES RULE: To boldly thrive where no other fish can make it!

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