Celebrating the rare success as a model, withiin the context of a longer
term vision for where these relationships should be going, is still
As a case in point, the LV-SSP, in conjunction with FIRI (Ugandan Fisheries
Research Institute), is planning to attempt an ICDP (integrated
conservation development project) in the form of a small cottage industry
for aquarium fish breeding and export, with the community around Lake
Nawampassa...if they are willing. Aquarists everywhere will be able to
assist by MAINTAINING a market for these fishes once the source-end is
straightened out. The proceeds will directly benefit conservation of these
taxa. Now, the key is the long-term market. Most likely aquarists would
have to volunteer not to sell or gift captive bred stock in the US to each
other, or some such restriction. If this were not done, the trade would
trickle off and die after only a few months, and the fishes would no longer
be there the next time the fad reawakens. Does anybody have ideas on this?
Should we treat conservation-priority fishes like software? Or more
pertinently perhaps, like the law says that software should be treated?
Les Kaufman
Boston University Marine Program
Department of Biology
Boston University
5 Cummington Street
Boston, MA 02215
e-mail: lesk at bio.bu.edu
phone: 617-353-5560
fax: 617-353-6340